Connor Feeley ~ cfeeley


Nov 03, 2023

Active Projects

Recent or active projects I’ve been working on.

haskbike: A Haskell library and API client for Toronto Bike Share   haskell

This project was borne out of my frustration for why the Wellesley Station bike share station has had at least 9 broken e-bikes.

Update: Hah! Those were the days. Lately it’s been about 22. Out of 23 docks.

I’ve been polling the API roughly every 30 seconds since around the end of September for the latest occupancy data for each station and dumping it into a database on AWS. At this point I have enough data to definitively prove that Wellesley Station bike share station is indeed completely busted.

I’m currently waiting to receive a response to my Freedom of Information request.

virtual-dts-mode: Emacs major mode for automatically decompiling and compiling device tree binary files.

goatcounter-flake: Nix packages and flake-parts modules for the privacy-focused GoatCounter analytics platform